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Friday, May 26, 2006 

The Parental Unit: Part 1

This is long overdue.

I've always known I had cool parents but their visit to Morelia reminded me of that in spades. We hit all the local spots, took a day trip to the lakes, and enjoyed tons of good food including a home cooked meal at Marisol's house. Mostly we just sat around and talked which was the best part.

Prior to my move to Mexico my parents had only met the girlfriend for a two-hour breakfast at our house in Palo Alto. This trip gave everyone a little more time to get to know each other. Marisol's mom doesn't speak English, the rest of the family does, so Marisol and I got in a good dose of translating.

The hotel my parents stayed is amazing and just happens to be the oldest hotel in all of Mexico. It first served as an Inn in 1752.

I'll have to break the photos into a few post because there are lots. Here is the first set.

Another church in Morelia, there are a million.
Marisol's grandparents were married here.

Dad and me in front of my corner store.

The oldest music Conservatory in the Americas.
I'm taking classical guitar lessons here every Saturday.

A few blocks from my apartment. Mom, who took this picture,
is standing under the aqueduct. I love the aqueduct.

Wow... The Master Suite is only 135 bux a night! Can't wait to visit...

hey nate, it's yr old avo-bud eric. comstock clued me in to your blog a while back and i've been enjoying reading about your adventures south of the border. sounds like a lot of fun (bugs and scorpions aside.....waaaay aside). good luck with the guitar lessons. depending on how the elections go in november, maybe i'll be seeing you in mexico soon...

You should dedicate a post to explaining your mystery woman... We all want to know a little more who she is.


I was born in Morelia... And I still living here!!!

=) I hope you understand this link because I am sure you are gonna be interested, if don't just put a coment in the post with your link ok?

Es bastante interesante encontrar blogs como este. Ojalá puedas leer esto facilmente, he estado leyendo tu blog y me gusta mucho.

Hi Eric. Glad you are enjoying the blog. I don't have your email address otherwise I would contact you directly. Hope work is going well.


A los mexicanos que están leyendo mi pagina - Hola y gracias por los comentarios. Me gusta mucho tener gente de ambas culturas participando en esta pagina.


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About me

  • I'm Nate
  • From Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico
  • I used to live in California. Then I met the girl you see here in this photo. The next thing I knew I was in Mexico swinging a frying pan at a scorpion and chasing after phantom trucks. You will find pictures and stories about my life in the pages that follow.
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